2020. 3. 5. 08:41ㆍ카테고리 없음
UKG (Uji Kompetensi Expert) adalah sebuah kégiatan Ujian untuk méngukur kompetensi dasar téntang bidang studi (subject matter) dan pedagogik dalam domains content Guru. Kompetensi dasar bidáng studi yang diujikán sesuai dengan bidáng studi sertifikasi (bági expert yang sudah bersertifikat pendidik) dan sesuai dengan kualifikasi akademik guru (bagi guru yang belum bérsertifikat pendidik). Kompetensi pédagogik yang diujikan adaIah integrasi konsep pédagogik ke dalam prosés pembelajaran bidáng studi tersebut daIam kelas.Mari PeIajari UKG HAnya déngan 1 aplikasi mudah jelas dan disertai kunci jawaban agar mudah di pelajari.Download sekarang!!!UKG (Master Competency Test) can be a test to measure the exercise of basic competence areas of research (subject matter matter) and pedagogical content in the website of Guru. Basic proficiency areas of research were tested in accordance with the accreditation research (for educators who are already qualified teachers) and in accordancé with the academic skills of instructors (for teachers who are not accredited instructor).
Analyzed pedagogical competence will be the integration of pedagogical principles in the subject matter areas of understanding procedure in the class.Allow's Learn UKG only with one simple application obviously and with solution secrets for simple to understand.Download right now!!!
Applicants for this test are seeking to prove basic networking information and abilities. Before taking this exam, applicants should have got a strong foundational information of the subjects discussed in this planning manual. It is usually recommended that applicants become acquainted with the principles and the technologies described here by having relevant training classes. Candidates are usually expected to have some hands-on experience with Home windows Server, Windows based networking, network management equipment, DNS, TCP/IP, brands resolution procedure, and system protocols and topologies. Knowing System Infrastructures.
Understand the principles of the Internet, intranet, and extranet. This objective may include but is definitely not limited to: VPN, protection specific zones, firewalls. Understand nearby area networks (LANs). This goal may include but will be not limited to: perimeter networks; dealing with; reserved address runs for nearby use (including regional loopback ip), VLANs; born LAN and wireless LAN. Understand wide area networks (WANs).
This goal may consist of but is usually not restricted to: rented lines, dial-up, ISDN, VPN, T1, Capital t3, Elizabeth1, Y3, DSL, and wire and their features (speed, accessibility). Understand wireless networking. This goal may include but can be not limited to: forms of wireless networking specifications and their characteristics (802.11A, T, G, D including various Ghz runs), forms of system safety (for example, WPA/WEP/802.1X ), point-to-point (G2P) cellular, cellular bridging. Understand system topologies and entry strategies. This objective may include but is definitely not restricted to: celebrity, mesh, band. Understanding Network Hardware. Understand changes.
Soal Ujian Sertifikasi Microsoft Office
This objective may consist of but is usually not restricted to: transmitting speed; amount and type of slots; quantity of uplinks; swiftness of uplinks; handled or unmanaged buttons; VLAN capabilities; Level 2 and Level 3 fuses, security options; hardware redundancy; assistance; backplane quickness; switching varieties, MAC desk; understanding abilities of hubs vs. Buttons. Understand routers. This objective may include but is not limited to: transmission speed considerations, directly connected routes, static routing, powerful routing (routing methods), default routes; routing desk and how it selects best tracks; routing table memory space, NAT, software routing in Windows Server. Understand media sorts.
This goal may include but is certainly not limited to: cable connection forms and their features, including press segment size and speed; fibre optic; twisted pair shielded or non -protected; cabling, wireless; susceptibility to exterior interference (for example, machinery, power cables); susceptibility to energy (for illustration, super), susceptibility to interception. Understanding Methods and Providers. Understand the OSI model. This objective may consist of but is usually not restricted to: OSI design; TCP model; good examples of gadgets,protocols, and applications and which OSI/TCP level they belong to; TCP ánd UDP; well-knówn ports for most-used purposes (not necessarily Web); packets and framés. Understand lPv4. This objective may consist of but is definitely not limited to: addressing, subnetting; NAT, static IP, entrance; APIPA; system lessons, classful/classless IP addressing;; arranged address ranges for local use (including regional loopback ip).
Undérstand IPv6. This goal may consist of but is definitely not limited to: subnetting; IPconfig; why make use of IPv6; dealing with; ipv4toipv6 tunneling methods to assure backwards compatibility; double ip bunch; subnetmask; gateway; ports; packets; arranged address ranges for nearby make use of (like nearby loopback ip). Understand brands quality.
This goal may consist of but is usually not limited to: DNS, Benefits, steps in the title resolution process. Understand networking services. This objective may consist of but is definitely not limited to: DHCP, IPsec, remote entry. Understand TCP/IP. This objective may include but will be not restricted to: tools such as ping; tracért; pathping; Telnet; lPconfig; netstat, appropriated address ranges for nearby make use of (like regional loopback ip); methods.